It’s January – there’s a fresh new page on the calendar and a world of possibilities for change! What do you want to achieve this year? Did you make a new year resolution? The most common relate to all-around health in one way or another:
- lose weight
- reach another level of fitness
- quit smoking
- drink less alcohol
- drink more water
- make healthier food choices
- read more
- save more and spend less
- find another job
- start a new hobby
- spend more time with family and friends
- improve work-life balance
…and these are just a few! Experts say to keep your goals clear, achievable, and measurable, and reward yourself for even small victories. Our advice? Choose goals you can commit to and get excited about! Also, be sure to surround yourself with cheerleaders, and go easy on yourself when you falter.
Whatever your plans for 2019, Westshore Town Centre wishes to be a resource to help support you along the way. Up your fitness game at OrangeTheory Fitness, meal-plan at Fairway Market, meet a friend for coffee at Timmies or Starbucks, hit up a movie, get into a new book series at Coles, speak to a financial planner about saving, make your annual appointment for your sight and hearing, and treat yourself to a meal out.
From our team to yours, we wish you all the best for 2019 – let’s rock it together!