Westshore Blog

Turning Over a New Leaf


It’s no secret that there are certain types of foods that provide significant health benefits to the human body.  Most of us know about super-foods like kale, salmon and blueberries, but have you heard of the plant called the Moringa Leaf?  Thanks to our good friend Maria from the Beauty Boutique at Shopper’s Drug Mart, we’ve learned some pretty amazing things about this versatile plant.

  • It’s got anti-aging properties when used in beauty products such as the moisturizer mentioned below
  • It’s packed with vitamins such as B2, B6 and riboflavin as well as potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium
  • Powders made from its crushed leaves are packed with protein
  • Its been shown to significantly lower inflammation in cells, helps to balance blood sugar and improves digestion


That’s a lot for such a simple looking plant!  Check out Maria’s video on our IGTV to hear additional ways to use the Morigna Leaf in your daily life.

Maria’s daily suggestion to gain the benefits of the Moringa Leaf?  It’s in her fave moisturizer:  Revitalizing Supreme from Estée Lauder.  Pop by the Beauty Boutique at Shopper’s Drug Mart and speak to the beauty experts about which products contain super-foods, and which ones might be best for your skin type.




Resource: mindbodygreen.com