Westshore Blog

It’s Tax Time

Gather up your T4s, find your bank statements, and dig up those receipts—it’s tax time. And while you can do your taxes yourself—should you? We’re all for the DIY mentality, but some things, like filing income tax, is better left to the pros. Here’s why.


They have extensive knowledge on the subject

No matter how straightforward your tax return may be, a professional brings their own expertise that can benefit you in the long run. You can feel confident knowing your return is in good hands. Plus, a professional may also be able to offer you additional insight, tips, and tricks on how to maximize your refund and make the entire process as seamless as possible.


It’s one more thing off your plate

Between running errands, cooking meals, and working, finding the time to sit down and do your taxes can be a challenge itself. Never mind the paperwork and forms involved. Leaving it to the pros buys you back a little time in your day (and can save you a ton of headaches and frustration, too).


They can answer questions you might have

Okay so between Siri, Alexa, and Google, it’s pretty easy to find information nowadays. But that still doesn’t replace asking a knowledgeable professional. Taking your taxes to a qualified pro is also an opportunity to clarify information about your specific situation and get a head start on how to ensure you receive the maximum refund you’re eligible for next year.


They might find you more money

It’s always a bonus when you get a tax refund and not a bill. When you work with a professional, they ensure you have claimed and deducted everything you eligible for—even things you may not have known you’re entitled to—which can potentially add up to more money back in your pocket. We love that.


Ready to file? Drop by and meet with an H&R Block representative today to get started.