Westshore Blog

Everything You Want (and Need) to Know About Sunscreen

It’s hard to think of anything better than floating in the pool or picnicking by the lake on a hot sunny day. But fun in the sun can be dangerous without the right sun protection. That’s why we’re giving you all the 411 on sunscreen to keep you, and your loved ones, safe all summer long.


Why does sunscreen matter?

As enjoyable as spending time in the sun may be, the sun also emits UV radiation. These harmful rays—broken down into UVA and UVB—can cause both short- and long-term damage to your skin. UVA penetrates deeper into your skin and can contribute to premature aging and wrinkles (no thanks!) while UVB is responsible for those painful sunburns and plays a significant role in the risk of developing skin cancer.

Sunscreen helps to protect your skin from the effects of these rays, protecting you from not only superficial skin damage, but serious risks, too.


How Does Sunscreen Work?

Sunscreen works by incorporating active ingredients that either absorb, reflect, or scatter UV radiation. Depending on which ingredients the sunscreen uses. These are better known and mineral and chemical sunscreens.

Mineral sunscreens, also commonly called physical sunscreens, create a physical barrier on the surface of your skin. They reflect and scatter UV radiation (like a bunch of tiny mirrors) to prevent it from penetrating into the skin. Mineral sunscreens provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays (aka broad-spectrum protection) and begin working as soon as applied. They’re also less likely to cause irritation making them the ideal choice for anyone with sensitive skin or conditions like rosacea.

Chemical sunscreens, alternatively, work by absorbing UV radiation, converting it to heat, and then releasing It from the skin. They tend to be more lightweight and less visible on the skin making them a great choice for daily wear. However, chemical sunscreen does not work instantly so it’s important to allow approximately 20 minutes after application for it to become effective and reapply often, especially when swimming or sweating.


How do I know what sunscreen is right for me?

The right sunscreen is the one you wear! When it comes to choosing a type, consider a few important factors:

  • Does it offer both UVA and UVB protection?  It’s important to protect yourself from both kinds of UV rays to stay safe.
  • What is the SPF (sun protection factor) number?  A minimum of SPF 30 is required for adequate protection.
  • Do I need water resistance?  If you’re planning on swimming or sweating from physical activity, opt for water resistance so you stay protected throughout.
  • How sensitive is my skin?  If you struggle with skin issues and sensitivities, a mineral sunscreen is less likely to cause irritation.
  • How will I be applying sunscreen?  Sunscreen comes in a wide variety of forms, from traditional lotions to sprays and sticks. Choose one that’s convenient and easy to use for yourself and your kiddos.


If you’re not wearing a daily sunscreen, it’s not too late. No matter what type you choose, the key to sun safety is consistency. Reapply often and get ready for a sun-safe summer!