Westshore Blog

Shop Our Closet

Shop Our Closet


We’re pleased to partner with our friends at Incredible Home on our fabulous in-centre closet display near Dollarama and Westshore Dental Centre.

The best thing about this closet is that every item in it is available for purchase at Westshore Town Centre retailers! If you’re wondering where to find certain pieces in the closet, see below for the full list.

Items are listed by segment from left to right and from top to bottom in each segment.

Segment 1 (farthest left):


Segment 2


Segment 3:


Segment 4 (farthest right)


Coat rack


If you have any questions about this display, please e-mail kelly.young@quadreal.com

If you’d like to inquire about having a custom closet built in your home, please contact Incredible Home.